Within the Club your horses can be tested on colour.
The Club cooperates with the 'Van Haeringen Instituut' in the Netherlands.
To get your horse tested on colour (type P404) you will have to do this thru the EUSAM.
The costs for a colour test is € 60,00 per miniature horse. ( non members € 80,- )
To request a colour test you have to do the following steps:
1. Send an e-mail to and state:
your name + the name and information of the horse that has to be tested
2. Pay for the amount of € 60,00 to the account of the EUSAM and mention colour testing + name horse.
IBAN: NL79 RABO 0141 8349 43; BIC: RABONL2U
EUSAM, Peelstraat 15, 5427 EG Boekel , The Netherlands
3. At the same time you have to pull hairs WITH follicles and put them in a small plastic bag, which you send to
the EUSAM regstration. Mention clearly from which horse you pulled the hairs and your own data!
Send this to: EUSAM, Peelstraat 15, 5427 EG Boekel, Netherlands
4. After receipt of the payment the EUSAM will ask the Van Haeringen Instituut to perform the test.
5. The results of the test will be send after the Inistutuut finished the tests