We have the following options:
1. Gold Sponsor € 500,00
This arrangement gives you:
* A free full page color advert in and listing on the sponsorlist in the Eusam Show program
* You are automatic sponsor of an Eusam Supreme Championship class and shall be mentioned during the show
* You are allowed to hand over a Supreme trophy at a show
* A picture of you and the winner will be placed on the website
* You will be mentioned as a Gold-Sponsor on the EUSAM website
* You may provide us with a banner to place in the show ring at EUSAM Show
* Website banner
2. Silver Sponsor € 250,00
* A free half-page color advert in and listing on the sponsorlist in the Eusam Show program
* You are automatic sponsor of an Eusam Grand Championship class and shall be mentioned during the show
* You may provide us with a banner to place in the show ring at every EUSAM show of the sponsored year
* Your name will be mentioned on the website as Silver-Sponsor
* Website banner
3. Bronze Sponsor € 125,00
* You will be a regular Class-sponsor for a class of your choice at the Eusam Show
and will be mentioned at the show and in the program/booklet;
* Your name will be mentioned on the website as Bronze-Sponsor.
If require, the EUSAM can have your banner printed at our local supplier, this will cost an extra
€ 125,00. The banner will be yours and can be collected after the Show
4. Other sponsoring options :
* Full page advert in the Eusam Show program : € 100,00
* Half page advert in the Eusam Show program : € 50,00
5. Class sponsoring :
• Eusam Supreme Champion class : € 100,00
• Eusam Grand Champion class : € 50,00
• Regular class : € 25,00
* Class sponsoring + a full page advert : €15,00 reduction on the total of the 2 values!
* Banner in the show ring : € 100,00 if you supply the banner
€ 225,00 if we have to provide the banner
* Website banner : € 65,00
The amount must be paid in full 1 week prior to the Eusam Show!
To obtain one of the sponsorships you can contact:
E-mail : registration@eusam.nu